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N I N A    X

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Ewan’s seventh and most ambitious book of fiction - NINA X - was published by Fleet, an imprint of Little Brown, on the 4th of April, 2019. It has been nominated for the Saltire Prize, while the Sunday Times claimed "Morrison has published his masterpiece".


The novel tells of the life of an extraordinary young woman who is raised from birth in ‘ideological purity’ in a commune-cult and then escapes into our modern world.

"Sensational. Like nothing I've ever read. A tour de force"  

Ian Rankin


“for more than twenty years…


Nina X has no books, no toys and no privacy. She has nothing that might be described as love. Her closest emotional connection is with the birds she sees outside her bedroom window, when she is daring enough to remove the plasterboard that covers it. She has never been outside her small north London house. She has never met another child. She has no mother and no father; she has a Leader (a man), and she has three female comrades. The all-powerful Leader has named her The Project; she is being raised in total ideological purity, entirely separated from the false gods of capitalism and the cult of the self. He has her record everything in her journal, to track her thoughts; he makes her revise the entries obsessively, until they fit with his narrative. Her words are erased, over and over again.


The story of Nina X's imprisonment, and her path to eventual freedom, is compelling and chilling and all too believable. She is a character to stand alongside Offred of The Handmaid's Tale and Jack in Emma Donoghue’s Room.”

C L O S E    Y O U R    E Y E S

 'Mesmerising. Disturbing. Outstanding. Written with exquisite emotional perception, this is a tour de force from Morrison – the kind of book which comes along rarely but lingers in the mind long after the last page is turned.’ DAILY RECORD


In 1981 a mother abandoned her child and drove into the night. Her disappearance was reported in the press as a fatal road accident. Her body was never found.

Thirty years later, Rowan has a child of her own. Afflicted by post-natal depression, she is convinced that she'll hurt her daughter unless she unpicks the mystery of her past, buried deep within a commune in the remote highlands of Scotland. Leaving her young family and life in London, she returns to her childhood home to find a failed utopia shrouded in secrecy. And there, with a looming cult leader, among the rites and rituals, the sacraments and ceremonies, is a single postcard dated a week after her mother's death. As she draws ever closer to the truth about her mother, she fears she might lose even herself.

Close Your Eyes is a powerful novel, exploring the bonds of maternal love. Evoking the spirit of the 60s and 70s in its gentle, lyrical passion, it tells the secret history of a revolutionary social experiment, and, with unflinching honesty, depicts the impacts, both good and bad, that it had on its children




Winner - Not the Booker Prize (Guardian) 2012


Finalist - Saltire Society Book of the Year 2012


Finalist -Creative Scotland Writer of the Year Award 2012


Number 22 in the top 50 Scottish books of the Last 50 years  -The List. 2013


Tales From The Mall, is a mash-up of fiction, essays and true stories, that tells the rise of the most iconic symbol of our modern age the shopping mall. From over a hundred interviews and confessions, Morrison re-tells the true-life tales of those who work, shop and even find love inside their walls.    With wry wit, insight and compassion, Morrison uncovers the secrets of retail heaven and hell, to reveal how malls manipulate our emotions in cleverly calculated ways, how they are an ideal space to meet a new lover or to kill yourself and how they are taking over the world.    A startling window on our time, to make you think, fear and laugh. Retail will never be therapy again.






When an encounter with the swinging scene has an unexpected impact on David's impotence, Alice thinks she might have found a solution to all their problems, but the poly-amorous world is a difficult place for a love story to flourish. 


"Sometimes - very rarely - a book is just so good that a string of gushing superlatives still seem to be damning it with feint praise. Swung is that kind of a novel, genuinely groundbreaking in its scope and insights, highlighting that its author is one of the most gifted and accomplished writers to have emerged in recent years"  IRVINE WELSH


Finalist -The Prince Maurice Award for Love Stories 2007

T H E    L A S T   B O O K   Y O U    R E A D

& other stories. (Ebook)

Twelve explicit and deeply moving stories of love, lust and loss in the age of the internet freedom. 

"Morrison's debut short story collection, The Last Book You Read, is the subject of fevered hype on the international book fair circuit. The style magazine Arena has singled it out as the essential literary purchase of the summer. In Scottish terms, it's the most assured short story collection since AL Kennedy's Night Geometry and the Garscadden Trains and the most compelling Scottish literary debut since Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting. On an international level, it signals the emergence of a precocious literary talent."  THE TIMES


Finalist - ARENA Magazine Man of the Year Literature Prize 2006


It's the '90s and Dot, Saul and Owen are living together on the fringes of the Hoxton art scene - shoplifting, dole-scrounging, swapping drugs, clothes and beds. Fifteen years later they are drawn back into each other's lives but can they happily relive the past or will they rekindle the passions that nearly destroyed them?

"Frightening, funny, perceptive, emotional and honest... excellent" SCOTSMAN


"Menage was always going to be a bit more than chick lit for the intelligentsia. Menage is a shrewd and complex book that tackles head-on the challenges and tragedies of this peculiar phenomenon." EDINBURGH REVIEW

"A fast-paced, poignant tale about the arrogance of youth and insane, all-consuming love" SUNDAY HERALD

"Ménage is an accomplished, often poignant novel [which] strives to go beyond corrosive irony and world-weary cynicism to recapture a sense of the possibilities of love"  SCOTLAND ON SUNDAY


Tom and Meg fall in love in New York City and spend a passionate week together before he returns to his home in Edinburgh, where they plan to reunite in eight weeks. So begins a long distance relationship filled with phone calls, phone sex, emails, text messages and waiting. 

Back in Scotland, Tom's eyes are opened to the mess he's been living in, with a job he despises and an alcohol problem, a girlfriend he has already betrayed, an ex-wife and son he can no longer relate to. Meanwhile in New York, Meg throws in her job as a Hollywood script doctor, and begins writing from her heart, secretly recording every detail of their intense week together. As the weeks count down their love turns increasingly obsessive and they face traumatic choices. Does Tom really Love Meg, or is she a dream of escape from a life he can't face? And what is Tom to Meg but increasingly a fiction? Only when she arrives in his country will they know the reality.


A writer of serious intent and prodigious talent. On this form, Morrison is one of the finest novelists around.' THE TIMES


'incredibly compelling often overpowering, whirlwind romance peppered with hilarious, snappily rendered critiques of [the lovers] hometowns and searing attacks on and celebrations of modern Scotland....even when all seems to be unravelling for his protagonists, Morrison keeps the readers spirits up and gripped to every chapter with an abundance of witty lines, bittersweet anecdotes and an underlying sense of hope.' THE LIST

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Book no.2
Book no.3
Book no 4
Book no. 5
Book no.6
Nina Book anchor
"The eminent fiction writer of our times."

Irvine Welsh

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